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Gresham Animal Hospital

Veterinarians wrapping up the leg of a small, white dog

Flea Prevention Tips

Life cycle pyramid of a flea

Adult fleas jump on your pet when they sense a host is near. A female flea can lay up to fifty eggs a day, 4,000 eggs in her lifetime. Eggs fall off your pet and develop into worm-like larvae, which hide in carpeting, furniture, bedding, and other dark places. The larvae mature as they feed on fecal matter dropped by adult fleas and the cycle continues. Fleas cause itching, irritation, extreme discomfort, and sometimes lead to anemia, flea allergy dermatitis, Bartonellosis, and other diseases. When ingested, fleas can spread tapeworm. Symptoms of flea infections include itching, scratching, and an unusual amount of chewing and licking.

At Gresham Animal Hospital, we are committed to the health of your whole family. Preventing flea problems is important for both you and your pet! There are many types and brands of flea prevention products available to pet owners, from unsafe over-the-counter products to a myriad of veterinary products. With all of these choices, flea prevention has become a confusing issue. The doctors have carefully reviewed all of the products that are currently available and, having done so, recommend these topical flea prevention products.

We wish you and your pets a flea-free season. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions regarding fleas and flea control.